Tuesday 1 June 2010

Cam 23 - Introduction

I am a former student of the University (Wolfson, 1992) and am presently involved in a Teacher Study visit at Pembroke College. Within this time I have been in liaison with Dr Patrick Carmichael at CARET through whom my CamTools account was generated. As such, when I received information regarding the 23 Things self-directed course and its focus on Web 2.0 technologies it immediately grabbed my attention. The theme of my own study is "An exploration of educational issues in relation to the onset of e-learning mechanisms within the pedagogical medium".

I see the opportunity to take part in Cam 23 as partly being a refresher to engage with Web 2.0 and social media from past experience and also the chance to participate in the gaining of new skills through a structured format. I am looking forward to engaging with the course over future weeks.


  1. I think one of the useful things you may be able to bring to the course is the perspective of someone who uses libraries, rather than being a librarian themselves. It's very easy for librarians to dream up exiting ways to use new technologies to help the users without actually paying attention to whether users really want these kinds of services. I'm trying to reflect on this a bit from my position as someone who's both a librarian and an academic researcher, but I think the more different perspectives we can hear about the better.

  2. I have always seen libraries as being integral and a valued part of the educational system. With the advancement of their function as Learning Resource Centres, as they are now widely perceived in many institutions, I believe their role will be enhanced for future learners.
